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    Agri-businesses can achieve sustainability outcomes with landscape-level approaches

    Agricultural food production depends on and impacts the health of the wider landscapes in which it functions. A landscape is a social and economic system that consists of natural and/or human-modified ecosystems, and which is influenced by different ecological, historical, economic and socio-cultural processes and activities. In their new business brief, UNEP-WCMC experts Vargas et…

    Agri-businesses can achieve sustainability outcomes with landscape-level approaches
  • blog

    The role of trade policy in creating a sustainable wild meat trade

    In their new policy brief, UN Environment Programme Environment (UNEP) and TRADE Hub explore the role of trade policy in transitioning to a more sustainable level of wild meat consumption and trade in Congo Basin countries. The brief maintains that policy measures must protect the economic livelihoods of those dependent on the trade and protect traditional customs involving wild meat, while also maintaining a sustainable rate of harvesting to prevent species population declines.

    The role of trade policy in creating a sustainable wild meat trade
  • blog

    Cocoa farming in the Congo Basin associated with higher rates of deforestation than other production-based livelihoods 

    A balance needs to be struck between ensuring families have access to economic security and preventing long-term damage to forests. This can be achieved by co-designing, with the farmers, sustainable land management practices that contribute to sustainable livelihoods. 

    Cocoa farming in the Congo Basin associated with higher rates of deforestation than other production-based livelihoods 


  • “The TRADE Hub has developed solutions to challenges for people and nature across agricultural commodity, wild meat and wildlife supply chains” - Neil Burgess, Principal Investigator

  • "The TRADE Hub united 50 organizations from 15 countries, collaborating across disciplines to generate evidence and solutions for enhancing transparency and governance in the trade system" - Lisen Runsten, Senior Programme Officer